Why is journaling about relationships beneficial? | Effet Tandem
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Why is journaling about relationships beneficial?

Writing a diary about your relationships on the dating site will allow you to build your intimate link to love on the one hand, and on the other hand to sincerely realize your future love relationship.

Write a diary about your relationships

It will probably surprise you but writing a diary about your dating site relationships has many benefits. When you decide to register on an online platform to find love, chances are you will be in contact with several people at the same time. Learning how to choose, knowing what suits me, identifying the compatible person are intimate challenges that require knowing yourself well but also paying special attention to discovering the other person. When we communicate with people, we address several subjects, we look for answers to our heart and we hope to build a lasting couple.

Then, the time of doubts will come too, the spiral to the questioning about the love for the other:

Is this person sincere?

Am I ready or willing to love this person?

Do I feel love or friendship?

Do I want to go further?

Does this person love me?

These are all questions that your mind will try hard to answer. We all have this desire when we register on a dating site to find the ideal person who will be compatible with us. But as you know, this quest requires time and proof.

For this, there is a simple way that will allow you to both sort through those relationships found on dating sites and at the same time it will help you to know yourself better in this new role of love both as a loved one and a lover.

Are we really able to know who we are in love? Do we know our limits, our emotional dependencies, our beliefs, our brakes? Finally, are we really that free in our capacity to love?

Writing a diary about your relationships on the dating site will allow you to build your intimate link to love and to sincerely realize your future love relationship.

It will also help you make choices if you are in contact with several people on the dating site.

The 5 benefits of keeping a diary of relationships met on an online platform.

Lifting the veil on our deep understanding of love, on what I attract around me and who comes to me on dating sites requires investment and discernment. Writing is a beneficial and solid pillar that I will be able to rely on to choose and move forward in love.

1. The portraits

For each person who comes into contact with you on the dating site and for whom you have an attraction, you will write their portrait as you see them physically and as you perceive them emotionally. When you write these individual portraits in descriptive writing, pay attention to your energy in the moment: what do you feel as you write (ease, complexity, lightness, heaviness). Writing a description of someone is not an easy exercise, especially when you don't know them deeply yet.

Once you have written this first description, as your relationship progresses, you will complete this portrait or you will stop it according to the evolution of the relationship on the dating site.

2. The letters

For each person you meet, you will write a letter that you will address secretly of course. This letter will remain written on your diary without you sharing it with them. In this writing exercise, the idea is to talk to him/her through a letter. In this letter, you will tell her everything you want. You will realize that from one person to another, the letter will be very different if you stay focused on the intention related to the person you are writing to.

3. The moment of love

In your writing notebook, you will write down the moment of love that you wish to spend with each of your current encounters. In this moment of identification of the moment, you will notice what makes you want to be with this person, what calls you to live with this person. In this description of the moment of love, you are projecting a moment to live. It is a living intention within you.

4. The annoyance of love

When you meet someone, you hope for perfection and very often the first times are in this beautiful and new dynamic. However, as you know, every person is different and love is not there to mold someone in our image. We must learn to love the differences and also make compromises.

Nevertheless, there will be times when annoyances will arise in the heart of the intimate relationship. For that, I invite you in your diary to note the possible annoyances that you would have felt with the persons. It is important to put words before expressing them verbally sometimes.

5. The feelings of love

Finally, this last phase can be done if you feel in you shivers of love. A love at first sight, a stroke of fate, or chance can put your soul mate on your path on a dating site. But it can also happen that two people are in a virtual duel in your heart that will be a real dilemma for you.

In your diary, dare to go inside yourself to identify and understand the feelings of love that are inside you and that were born thanks to this relationship on a dating site.

Write down your feelings, your emotions, your troubles. Enter into the alchemy of love through the power of words that will tell what you feel if you are truly connected to your heart and what it feels.

Writing a diary about your relationships on the dating site is a commitment to yourself and to each other. Signing up on a dating site is already an engaging step. To continue this adventure, it is essential not to play games with yourself and the other person. Most people want to find the love of their life. This requires individual and intimate work. Writing a diary is one of those possible actions of personal development with incredible and fulfilling virtues to know oneself and the other.


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Nelly Delas

About Nelly Delas

Freelance writer, SEO specialist and writing and personal development coach


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