We count on the collaboration of renowned specialists from different disciplines to help each person's development.
Speaker and trainer for companies and the general public
Conférencière professionnelle depuis 1995, coach PNL certifiée, formatrice en entreprise, auteure de 7 Best Sellers, reconnue mondialement pour ses puissantes ressources et expériences visant les transformations durable de votre vie affective.
Specialist educator, family coach, author and speaker
She has been a specialist educator and family coach for over thirty years. She is also a master practitioner in neuro-linguistic programming and has a long list of related trainings.
Professional coach specialized in benevolent communication
Being in relationship with oneself, to better be in relationship with the other
Author, columnist, animator, speaker and neo-sexologist who understands the functioning and messages of the body as well as the sacredness of sexuality.
Author and speaker
Certifié Post Maître Certifié en Programmation Neuro Linguistique, RSI 3.0 (Restructuration Systémique Intégrale), 5 best-sellers, Conférencier depuis 16 ans, Créateur des Programmes web Prêt pour l’Amour, et Ce que tu cherches te cherche aussi.
Mastercoach in motivational neuroscience, hypnotherapist, synergist, genagogue, body language and release from toxic relationships
Expert in human behavior and motivation, body language, lie detection and liberation from toxic relationships