Balanced in your masculine/feminine energy? | Effet Tandem
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Balanced in your masculine/feminine energy?

The energy of love is something that is very important to be aware of and understand when looking for a loving relationship.

In this segment, I am going to talk about the energy of love, which is something that I think is very important to be aware of and to understand, especially when we are looking for a love relationship.

It starts with a premise that goes like this: the world we live in is made up of energies. If you do any research, including quantum physics, you will understand that in the infinitely large as well as in the micro/macro, in the infinitely small, everything is made up of energies. What is interesting is that when we look at philosophies, we always have different words for the same thing. In the East, we say Chi, which is the energy of life. The Indians will say Prana. Catholic Christians will say the sound mind. If we listen to the movie Star Wars, we will hear the word "the force". But finally, it is always the same thing, it is the energy of life. And this energy of life, let's say the Chi, is made of two big parts which are inseparable and complementary.

We call it Yin and Yang. When we see a circle with white with a small drop of black and black with a small drop of white, it is the great balance of life which are the two greatest sacred energies of life, the masculine and the feminine. The masculine is the Yang. And the feminine is the Yin.

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David Bernard

About David Bernard

Certifié Post Maître Certifié en Programmation Neuro Linguistique, RSI 3.0 (Restructuration Systémique Intégrale), 5 best-sellers, Conférencier depuis 16 ans, Créateur des Programmes web Prêt pour l’Amour, et Ce que tu cherches te cherche aussi.


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