Did you know that your outer relationship is a reflection of your inner relationship? You've probably heard it said that I can't be in a relationship with anyone if my relationship with myself is not one that I enjoy or one that is respectful, one that is nourished by true love.
Indeed, our inner couple, each of us, we are invited to fall in love with ourselves, but we have not learned it. And we look outside for something to fill an inner void, because we have not learned to fall in love with ourselves, because we did not know that the most important couple in our lives is the one we form thanks to our two principles. Whether we are a man or a woman, we have a masculine principle and a feminine principle. So in this capsule, I will list some characteristics of these two principles. And what I invite you to do is to look at your own level, at you, to see which of the principles is the most fed and which creates the imbalance finally in my couple relationship with myself, which is reflected in my external couple relationships.
So we'll start with a few characteristic elements of the feminine principle. So, the feminine principle, it likes to receive. So look at what you like to receive more. It's the one that is intuitive, spontaneous. Do I tend to be a person who is much more gentle, sensitive? The feminine principle, also, it's an emotional support. And also, the feminine principle is the part of us that will tend to be ambiguous, there is no clarity, to be comfortable in the chaos.
At the level now of the masculine principle, it is the part of me that likes to give, it is the part of me that is much more thoughtful, that will analyze, it is the part of me that will face situations with strength, with bravery, it is the part of me that will be rather a material support. I am giving you some elements. But you will easily realize that we live in a society that favors the male principle. So, if the male principle is put forward as something positive, man and woman, we will put it forward much more. So already at the beginning, we will have an inner couple that will be unbalanced. So everything that is affection, tenderness, softness, ambiguity, is not something that is valued or supported in our society.
So already with what I am proposing to you, look at what you are more likely to nourish, your feminine principle or your masculine principle, so if I am a woman and I want to have in front of me a man who is solid and everything, and myself I am a woman who is solid, brave, thoughtful and everything. I want to be protected, but at the same time, I'm the one who wants to protect. You see there is an imbalance. So it's not right or wrong, that's what we've learned. It's important, at some point, to say to yourself, "My God, it would be interesting if I went and looked at this, if I went and put the spotlight on my couple. My inner couple, am I taking care of them?"
So look at your outer couple, it gives you an indication of your inner couple. And everything can always be improved. Once you understand, you can take action.
Keep in mind that your life is your work. Make sure you make it a true masterpiece by focusing on harmonizing your inner couple.