The relationship complicity, it is built | Effet Tandem
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The relationship complicity, it is built

Discover how to develop complicity with your partner from the beginning of the relationship.

The complicity in love is in some ways the result of the quality of our involvement in each of the couple's roots. To be present, it needs love, respect, communication and responsible authenticity, which give way to trust, then intimacy and, finally, complicity.

This is what everyone is looking for in love and would like to receive on a silver platter. It's a bit like idolizing a star. You want to be popular, you want to have the money, but you don't want to make the effort to get there. We envy them, we even envy them sometimes, but in no way are we willing to do what it takes to get the same results.

If you are in the beginning of your love relationship, know that the complicity is not yet there, you must build it. If you already have complicity, I would call it cooperation, when the dust of the first few months has settled and your wounds have resurfaced, it will be an opportunity for you to build a relationship together, solidifying it by its roots, to give birth to complicity.

Let's go with an example. I like to compare complicity with climbing a mountain, like Mount Everest, for example. If the goal was really to get to the top, you'd just have to go by helicopter. But it wouldn't give you the same satisfaction. It's the fact of climbing it, the challenge, the obstacles, the trials and tribulations you'll encounter along the way and all the overcoming you'll have to do to get there that you want to experience. That's the real challenge. And it's the same thing with complicity, the same thing with a couple's relationship, it's the beauty of the path we travel every day to develop this complicity that makes it so wonderful.

The complicity, it is to be able to share our fears, our discomforts, not discomfort, as much as our dreams, our joys, our enjoyments. It is to feel supported, it is to be able to trust, it is to take responsibility for being sensitive to the other in what he/she is experiencing and to support him/her in his/her steps. Life as a couple is much more exciting with the help of complicity.

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Chantal brault

About Chantal brault

Author, columnist, animator, speaker and neo-sexologist who understands the functioning and messages of the body as well as the sacredness of sexuality.


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