Do you live by your own values or those that have been instilled in you? What are your top 5 values? Do you know them? What would be your top 1? It would be really interesting to do this exercise for yourself. Become aware of your values. What are they? Are these values yours? Are they really what resonates with you or are they values that have been instilled in you by your upbringing or society?
When I ask couples this question, sometimes I get some surprising answers. For example, I have a couple who answers that, for them, the most important thing, the top number 1 of their 5 values, is family. Family, for him, is the most important thing, which comes before everything. Curiously, in his actions, what we see is that he works 90 hours a week, that during the vacations he is not present, he is not present for the education of the children, he is not present at all for the family. So, it's not his main value, it's the interpretation he makes of it.
Pay attention to the values. What are your values? Identify them. Because if you act against your values, if you don't take it into account in your life, you're going to feel unwell. So, taking care of yourself, taking care of yourself, putting importance in your values, it's a win-win.